Head Office, 

Atexa Fire & Security Solutions ltd,

19 Law Place,

Nerston Industrial Estate,

East Kilbride,

G74 4QL

The more we know, the better our solution!

Many people don’t fully appreciate the complexity of fire detection systems, and why should they? After all, it’s one of those things you don’t buy every day, and once you do, you hope you’ll never use it!

Much as we’ve been saddened to read about the two catastrophic fires at Glasgow School of Art’s ‘Mack’ building, they have raised awareness of the many things to consider with fire detection and alarm systems. It’s certainly not a one-size-fits-all solution; indeed, several solutions are invariably required within a single site.

One of the primary factors that influences what sort of protection you need to install is how the building is used. Risk exists on all premises; however, the risk will vary depending on the activities and materials present in a building. Therefore, areas where flammable materials or chemicals are present will naturally require much greater fire detection, suppression, and alarm systems than other areas where there is perceived to be a nominal risk.

Because of the complexities, it is critical to get expert advice from experienced and certified people about the best solution for every area of your premises. Experts will help you make the right choices, and they will keep you updated with the latest products and technology. What’s more, they are there to provide ongoing advice about the building, especially when the activity in an area changes, which can often be the case.

At Atexa, the management team has over 100 years of experience in fire protection. Because we operate in this environment every day, we know about the new technology and the latest regulations. The primary things we have to offer you are knowledge, experience, and expertise; yes, we can get equipment from all of the leading manufacturers, but it’s our attention to detail, passion, and culture that sets us apart from others.

We are an independent company committed to helping our clients make the best decisions. We want you to be confident that you are providing the safest possible working environment for your people, and we want them to feel secure and protected at all times. So, the more we know about the daily usage of a building, the better; that’s why we’re happy to spend ample time with our clients reviewing their sites and operations and accurately assessing the risks they face.


Comrades present an uphill battle for Bob!

Our Health and safety advisor, Bob Copeland, is no stranger to a challenge; after all, from his home in Dunfermline, he…

Growing pains won’t hold us back; in fact, they’ll make us stronger!

Atexa is a growing business; in the past 18 months, we have tripled our headcount, which is a testament to…


Whatever your question is, or whatever your requirement is, we’re confident we can help – please don’t hesitate to give us a call or drop your enquiry via email.

Head Office, 

Atexa Fire & Security Solutions ltd,

19 Law Place,

Nerston Industrial Estate,

East Kilbride,

G74 4QL

Contact Form